sam mcleod

They laughed when you told them your podcast idea

Now, They're Asking How You're Booking Famous Guests, Getting 1000s of Listeners & Making a Living Talking About Topics Your Love

Get the exact "10-Day Podcast Launch System" I used to go from
zero fans to a Top 10 Podcast in a few weeks...

Ever Dreamed about Launching a Podcast? ...I’m here to tell you that NOW is the time.

Picture this.


In just ten days from now, you're recording and publishing your very own successful podcast episodes.


You might start getting recognized around town as the host of your own buzzworthy show. Soon high-profile leaders and celebrities could be reaching out, hoping to be interviewed on your viral podcast!


What if I told you there's now a system to fast track this entire podcasting process so you're up and running in less than two weeks?


Sound too good to be true?


Stick with me, and you’ll see it’s not.


On this page, I’m going to show you some fascinating insights into launching a chart-topping podcast, including:


:boat: How a broke bartender from Brisbane used this "10 in 5" podcasting formula to gain a cult following, quit his job, and generate a 6-figure online business


:fire: The"content machine" tactic for creating endless viral episode ideas and automating podcast promotion


:zap: Discover the#1 reason most podcasts fail by episode 2, and my framework to avoid it


:comet: How crystallizing your niche with my 3-step “passion positioning system” can 5x your iTunes visibility practically overnight


:tornado: This counterintuitive podcasting myth torpedoed my first launch. Here's the growth hacking truth podcasters must know to thrive on algorithms


:anchor: The “influencer ignition switch” template for getting famous leaders begging to be on your podcast (even when you have ZERO authority)


:small_red_triangle: The bite-sized paid ad strategy that tricks platforms into thinking you have 100x more listeners (and spreads your show like wildfire)


:rocket: How I lined up 10 impressive leaders as my first guests without connections, credibility or even recording my first episode


:dart: The “GIVE Framework” for creating irresistible free offer bonuses that convert podcast visitors into die-hard fans


:moneybag: My friend paid $30k to learn this 14-day podcast launch methodology. Get the inside scoop so you can syphon his success.

And much more!

Keep reading to discover how you can have your own booming podcast up in just 14 days using my proven blueprint.

Podcasting is Exploding ...& Ordinary People Are Going Viral & Making a Living from it

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62% of Americans already listen to podcasts regularly as the market explodes. We've hit a critical point where anyone can compete.


Why NOW is the Time to Strike


Hosting used to require expensive gear and teams. But no longer! The barriers have dissolved.


Anyone with a focused passion and excitement to hit the mics can now compete in this gold rush.


The key? Booking fascinating guests around your niche. Let THEM create content and showcase their expertise. Curious questions is all you need - their answers will attract the perfect audience.


An engaged tribe awaits hosts who deliver entertainment and value by proxy. You simply facilitate great discussions around topics you and your potential fans live for!


In other words - this boom has set the stage for fresh voices to let their interests shine, let's.

Be your own boss - run your show on your own schedule and terms

Become an authority - position yourself as an expert and thought leader

Explore your passions - talk about topics you genuinely care about

Build meaningful connections - connect with influential guests and listeners

Gain fame and recognition - build your personal brand and audience

Make money - monetize through sponsors, products, events, etc.

But, here’s the problem...

I Started a Top 10 Business Podcast ....Without Even Running a Business


I'm Sam Mcleod.

A few years ago, I was a regular real estate agent...

...But I loved business.


So, I started “Make Sh*t Happen” - a business podcast where I interview successful business owners.


I knew barely anything about business...

But I discovered a unique system for landing world-class guests in your first 10 episodes.


After consistently landing "out-of-my-league" guests, and posting consitently...


My little “Podcast Side-Project” is now creating me a full-time income, and all the opportunities I could wish for...

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Through sponsors and selling my own products, I’m now making income from my podcast.
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Through guests, I’ve built life-long friendships which lead to a ton of business opportunities.
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I was able to quit my job and be my own boss exploring something I’m passionate about

You Don’t Need Charisma or Expertise to Have a Top-10 Podcast. You Just Need Good Guests.

sam mcleod

People think they need to be “experts” on topics to start a podcast.

This isn’t the case.


Instead, you can find guests who are experts (and want exposure)


Get them to create all the interesting & valuable content for you...


And have your podcast blow up from their audience - just from asking questions you’re genuinely curious about.

This is exactly how...

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90% of Podcast
Don’t Make it to Episode 3.

Why do so many fail so fast?

Most beginners make two critical mistakes:

Mistake #1) Not Committing to Consistency

The enthusiasm is there initially but few carve out time to record on a regimented schedule. Making excuses to skip weeks. Soon the motivation fades and so does the podcast.

Mistake #2) Attempting to Solo Everything

Others start strong but hit creative blocks or run out of things to discuss. They try generating all the content alone which quickly leads to burnout.

The Key They Miss: Booking Engaging Guests


Having fascinating guests queued up makes consistency easy. You simply show up to fun conversations around your niche. Curiosity drives content rather than forcing solo topics.

Now, for the first time ever

I’ll Give You My Plug-n-Play System
for Booking Famous Guests & Launching a Viral Podcast in 10 Days


Inside, let me work with you to launch and manage your own podcast in just a few hours a week.

Choose Your Niche. Find Guests. Generate Income & New Fans
Every Month from Hosting Your Own Podcast!

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What's inside:

Testimonials from People Earning Income from Podcasts.

Plus, Join Podcast Launch Lab & Get Access To My Tools for Automating 80% of the Work!


Bonus #1

Automated Guest Booking System

Automate outreach to land high-profile guests with my proven email and DM scripts. Never struggle to book amazing interviews again.

Usually $2,000



Bonus #2

Virtual Assistant Hiring System

My step-by-step VA hiring guide helps you hand off tedious podcast tasks so you can focus on hosting.

Usually $1,000



Bonus #3

Ad Copy Templates

Use my proven ad copy templates to promote your episodes and explode your listenership with minimal effort.

Usually $2,000



Bonus #4

AI Content Tools

Generate topic ideas, outlines, and promo copy 10x faster with my AI productivity prompts.

Usually $300


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Bonus #5

Private Mastermind Access

Get feedback, network, and accelerate your growth through my exclusive mastermind community.

Usually $1,200



Bonus #6

Pro Editor Hiring Guide

Find and hire qualified editors easily to perfect your podcast audio and video using my hiring framework

Usually $1,000


You're Fully Protected By My 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Try the entire program risk-free. If you complete the training, release 10 episodes and aren’t happy with the results, I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Everything You Need to Release Episodes that Thousands of People Love

...From your own laptop or phone!
Automated Guest Booking System
$2000 Free

Automate outreach to land high-profile guests with my proven email and DM scripts. Never struggle to book amazing interviews again.

$2000 Free
Virtual Assistant Hiring System
$1000 Free

My step-by-step VA hiring guide helps you hand off tedious podcast tasks so you can focus on hosting.

$1000 Free
Ad Copy Templates
$2000 Free

Use my proven ad copy templates to promote your episodes and explode your listenership with minimal effort.

$2000 Free
AI Content Tools
$300 Free

Generate topic ideas, outlines, and promo copy 10x faster with my AI productivity prompts.

$300 Free
Private Mastermind Access
$1200 Free

Get feedback, network, and accelerate your growth through my exclusive mastermind community.

$1200 Free
Pro Editor Hiring Guide
$1000 Free

Find and hire qualified editors easily to perfect your podcast audio and video using my hiring framework

$1000 Free
Podcast Launch Lab Course
$2,000 Free
$2,000 Free

Total Value: $7,500

Today's price:


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